- Chapters are encouraged to share technical meetings with the entire membership on the AHMP Calendar. This initiative promotes engagement among all members, strengthening the Chapters and providing a broader cast of technical information for the membership. If you have an event to share, please use the online form or email [email protected].
- Since the 2024 EHS Summit, membership has been steadily increasing. AHMP is financially healthy, and this growth reflects the value members find in the organization. You can assist in this momentum by encouraging colleagues and friends in the industry to join. Expanding our network strengthens the community and enhances everyone’s experience.
As we continue to enhance the organization, we invite you to share your feedback on what aspects of your AHMP experience could be improved. Your thoughts are critical in helping us identify areas where we can grow. Our goal is to ensure that your membership is not just satisfactory but truly impactful. Please take a moment to share your feedback and ideas with any of the Board Members; your voice matters, and we are eager to listen.
Shannon McKinney AHMP Executive Committee Vice Chair
Meet the 2025 Board of Directors Candidates and Cast Your Vote
This is your opportunity to impact who represents you as a leader of the Alliance and guides the future direction of the organization. So take the brief amount of time required to participate in this important process and to let your voice be heard!

Visit the website to read each candidates' statement of interest and bio.
Membership Renewals
We thank you for your participation over the past year and we hope you are enjoying the fantastic benefits of AHMP membership that include:
- Discounted registration on AHMP's EHS Hazmat Summit.
- Special member pricing on the AHMP Hazardous Materials Management Desk Reference, 4th Edition.
- Access to the Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management (EHMM) course presented by AHMP as an 11 week Night School or hosted by local AHMP chapters—The EHMM is the only comprehensive course designed to prepare you for many credentialing exams including the CHMM and CHMP exams, but is also the premier course for updating and maintaining many of your EHS&S professional training requirements.
- Free or discounted professional development webinars offered throughout the year.
- Access to the professional network of AHMP members providing expertise on just about any EHSS subject matter through the member directory and the My AHMP board.
- The AHMP Career Center, for EHS professionals looking for a job or an organization seeking an employee.
- Monthly newsletter—delivered directly to all AHMP members monthly via email. The newsletter provides industry, regulatory, leadership, and chapter updates.
- Involvement on AHMP Committees that coordinate our member activities and play an instrumental role in AHMP operations.
Please take a moment to login and renew your membership to continue your support of AHMP projects and initiatives!
Webinar: You Could Win an AHMP Award!
Each year during the AHMP Annual Conference, there is an Awards Ceremony and we want YOU on that stage! Join us on November 18 at 3:00 PM Eastern when speaker Glorianna L. Reeser, REM, CSRP, CHMM, CSP will review all of the available AHMP awards and the programs process to obtain them. Did you know there are 9 different types of AHMP awards given out? We know that you and your chapter have what it takes!
Register Now
EHMM Review Courses
Gateway Society of Hazardous Materials Managers In person Course November 4-7, 2024 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Saint Louis University Salus Center in St. Louis, Missouri. The class provides 3.3 CEUs and 32 training hours. Cost to attend is $700. Learn More & Register
Cyber Chapter Virtual Course December 10 - 12, 2024 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm ET Cost to attend is $635. Full time students can attend for $375. The 8-hour HAZWOPER Refresher is $125.00 Learn More & Register
FREE Hazmat Transportation Seminars
After some downtime, the U.S. DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is offering its FREE hazmat transportation seminars. The first one is coming up October 30 - November 1 in Indianapolis, Indiana.
More information and future dates and registration can be found on the PHMSA website.
Organizational Memberships
AHMP wants to partner with Industry leaders who are advancing the profession of hazardous material management. AHMP’s redesigned Organizational Membership program provides substantial discounts on membership dues, complimentary or discounted National Conference registrations, and value-added features with additional cost savings. All memberships are for the calendar year.

Membership Renewal | Career Center | Upcoming Events