managed to steer legacy finance woes in a positive direction. We have a new and exciting feature for Chapters to host (and get support for) their websites on the AHMP platform. Many thanks to all those who supported, contributed, and administered the technical content, outreach, and membership engagement opportunities offered this this year. These successes are attributed to the many volunteer hours from the Board of Directors, Committees, Chapters, and Members with the support of our awesome administration team.
Included in the December Newsletter is information on the AHMP Distinguished Lecturer program and announcement of the Class of 2024 Inductee. There is information on the current AHMP Membership Renewal campaign, updates from our friends at IHMM, and Save the Date for the 2024 AHMP EHS HazMat Summit in Louisville, KY – Stay tuned for the upcoming Call for Abstracts.
Closure of the year marks the transition point for the AHMP Board of Directors. The new year will bring a new slate of leaders and several Directors will cycle into new roles within the AHMP community. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to work with many incredible individuals and dynamic teams throughout my tenure on the AHMP Board of Directors and am excited for the year ahead.
As always, we invite you to provide feedback on the resources and membership support you would like to see moving forward. Have an idea for future newsletter article? Have an idea for program? Interested in joining committee? Send an email to [email protected] or sign up on the AHMP Committee webpage today. Have a safe & merry holiday season. Thank you for the opportunity to serve on the AHMP Board of Directors.
Kelsey Forde AHMP Executive Committee Chair
Save the Date for the 2025 EHS HAZMAT Summit

We are excited to announce that the 2025 EHS HAZMAT Summit will be held September 8-11, 2025 at the legendary Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. We hope to see you there!
Watch your emails in January when our call for abstracts will open.
Interested in being on the planning committee? Email [email protected]
Distinguished Lecturer Corinne Greenberg

AHMP recently welcomed our newest Distinguished Lecturer, Corinne Greenberg, CHMM! Corinne is the Environmental Manager at Carbide Industries LLC in Louisville, Kentucky. She has over 32 years of demonstrated experience as an Environmental or EHS Manager, most of that time as an in-house manager at manufacturing facilities where she taught most internal EHS training, and has been credentialed as a CHMM since 1995. Corinne's presentation topics include Air Emissions, Emergency Response, and DOT Hazardous Materials.
Corinne is based in Louisville, Kentucky and as great flexibility to present virtually, as well as some availability to travel for in-person presentations. Contact her at [email protected] to discuss a 2025 presentation!
What is an AHMP Distinguished Lecturer?
The AHMP Distinguished Lecturer roster is a list of vetted hazardous materials subject matter experts that are willing to share their expertise with follow AHMP members.
The program has been designed with you in mind – whether as an AHMP Chapter Leader, a subject matter expert, or as an event attendee. As an AHMP Chapter Leader, the DLs are available to you as a resource to enrich Chapter meetings and provide CMP hours to attendees. As a subject matter expert, you can apply with the AHMP Professional Development Committee to become a DL and get your name and subject matter on the roster. This will get your credentials in front of the AHMP membership and provide opportunities to share your experience and knowledge in a beneficial way. As an event attendee, knowing that the presenter has been pre-vetted and is distinctly qualified to present the information, leaves you with confidence that the information you are receiving is cutting edge and first in class.
We encourage you to check out the AHMP DL website to see what it takes to be included on the roster, or reach out to those who are currently on the roster to see how they might contribute to your next meeting.
Chapter Websites
As a new benefit and to increase support for our Chapters, starting in 2025 AHMP will be offering the option for chapter websites to be created and maintained by National, as well as email blasts to be sent out. This is an optional program for Chapters in good standing; Chapters are not required to participate and may continue to maintain their own website. Chapter representatives will receive more information about how to participate in the coming weeks.
Membership Renewals
Reminder! Membership renewals are due by December 31st. If you previously signed up for auto-renewal, your membership will process on that date.
We thank you for your participation over the past year and we hope you are enjoying the fantastic benefits of AHMP membership that include:
Webinar: You Could Win an AHMP Award!
The November webinar about the AHMP Awards process was filled with valuable information. If you missed it, you can view the recording on the AHMP website.
Certified Hazardous Materials Manager® [CHMM®]
A Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM®) credential from IHMM is an “Environmental Professional” under EPA regulation 40 CFR §312.10 and distinguishes your level of expertise and a commitment to your profession. Corporations, universities, and government agencies depend on credentials to help them identify individuals driven to continually learn the nation’s environmental laws and regulations. Add a CHMM® credential to your resume and become a sought-after environmental professional.
There are 2,156 job openings on LinkedIn today expressing a preference for a CHMM. Learn more about the CHMM here

If your chapter/section would like to submit information to be included in upcoming newsletters, please send your content to [email protected].
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